My favorite movie

 Hi, today I'll talk about my favorite movie. I could say that I have a favorite Disney movie this is "Mulan", but my favorite movie that I recommend is "Historias cruzadas". 

Now I will talk about "Historias cruzadas", I recommend it and I like it because it is funny and it talks about an important topic in the world to this day, racism. A movie set in the 60s, about a white woman who in an attempt to become a journalist and writer decides to write a book from the point of view of the maids, exposing the racism they face while working for white families. With great actresses like Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer and Viola Davis.

The genre of movies that like is science fiction, my favorite movie is "Divergent".

"Raya y el último dragón" is the most recent movie I saw, it is a new Disney movie, and I recommend it because it is entertaining and leaves a message of unity.


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