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 Hello everyone, today I will talk about a person on my field that me admire. In my field there are many admirable celebrity, for example Louis Pasteur, Alexander Fleming, John Dalton, but the person that I admire the most is the chemical scientist Marie Curie.

She was born in the city of Varsovia, Poland, on 7 November 1867, and she die on 4 June 1934, in Passy, a city in France, a contry that she had adopted as a nationality. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, she was the first person to receive two Nobel prizes in different specialties — Physics and Chemistry and the first woman to hold the post of professor at the University of Paris. She named the first chemical element she discovered, polonium, as her country of origin.

I admire Marie Curie because it must have been difficult, for her as a woman, to make a name for herself at that time, where male chauvinism predominated. This is why I believe that Marie Curie is an example for women in science.


  1. Marie Curie open the Doors to a lot of contemporary scientist women

  2. OMG!, I can't believe it! I wrote a blog about marie curie too. Definitely an admirable scientist deserves that people write about her.

  3. Marie Curie from my point of view was extraordinary, she is clearly an example to follow.

  4. I think Marie Curie is really an admirable woman and an example to follow for all of us, everything she did many years ago was very important.

  5. it must have been difficult for her as a woman to be so important at that time.


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